'How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?'
I don't think the ancillary texts have much relevance to the main product. The CD packs and the video of our chosen genre rarely link in with each other. The poster and the CD cover link in with each other and the inside contents of the CD pack also link in with each other. The back cover doesn't link in with the rest of the CD pack or the video in the way of using similar images or the same colour scheme, but it does link in with the artist and the song. I did this to fit to the conventions of the song genre.

The above CD covers are both Katy Perry covers. I wanted to use imagery in my own CD cover and also a close up shot of the performer, so I used ideas from both of the above covers. I used a firework in the background with a close up of the performer in the front. I blurred the firework in the background slightly to make the text and the performer stand out more. The original 'Firework' cover above doesn't link in with the original music video, but the 'One of the boys' cover fits in with the scene in the video, this is why I have linked in my CD cover with our music video by using an image with the performer wearing the same dress and using a firework image in the background to link in with the name of the song which is also used in the lyrics and the fireworks we created in the video.
Front Cover |
1st insert for CD pack |
The above image is of the first insert for the CD pack, I looked through various CD packs and found that most include lyrics with images and sentences taken out from the lyrics and standing out. This is what I have done here. The image doesn't relate to the front cover, I have done this because most CD packs show the artists working or in a different setting or during the making of the song or the album so I have put in a picture of the artist in casual clothes as if it was taken during the production of the song or album.
2nd insert for CD pack |
The above image is of the 2nd insert for the CD pack. I have kept these images relating with the images on the first insert as most of the CD packs i have looked at have similar images within the inside of the pack. I also found that many had autographs on and 'thanks' to people or companies so I have included this on this page and found Katy Perry's autograph to put on top of the images.
Back cover of CD pack |
The above image is the back cover of the CD pack. I found that some CD packs had a similar front and back but some also had completely different front and back cover. I chose to make the front and back different to the front to challenge the forms and conventions of the CD packs that have similar front and back covers. I looked in to what small print was on the back of CD covers and found it was mainly about their management and production companies and sometimes their website was on their so I looked in to management companies and their logos to put on here. I also put Katy Perry's website on here and the name of the production company that we came up with.
This is the poster I created for the song, I purposely made it different to the CD pack and the front cover to challenge the forms and conventions of other female pop artists who quite often make their posters an extended version of their CD cover.
Although the images through out the CD pack, they work together due to the individuality of the artist. Katy Perry often changes her look so we have shown this through the images in the CD pack and the poster.